Friday, September 20, 2024

Privacy & The Invasion of It

Privacy is one of the biggest and most cherished securities people can have. As a person who values their privacy and being able to choose who I express myself to, these TEDTalks have shown me that privacy is no longer a thing that we can control. These videos address a variety of different aspects of privacy, and how it is being taken from people.

In one video, the aspect of being watched and tracked is addressed. The video gives the specific example of advanced military equipment being handed to small-town police stations, and relates that back to digital surveillance equipment. This equipment is being used to track specific people if they are perceived as a threat or if they are suspected of something. It is even used to track license plates. While this may seem good, the video addresses that even if you do not have a prior record or even if there is no warrant, police officers and agencies can still use this technology to track you.

How do these issues affect you? Your friends and family?

This both directly and indirectly affects both me and my family. As a person who values my privacy and security, knowing that I can be easily tracked and spied on is not a good thing. Even if a person is caught doing something bad, it cannot be used in a court of law because there was no warrant. Since this applies to all people regardless of having a past record or a warrant, I think that all people should be worried about this.

What should the government be doing about these issues?

Since this issue is mentioned in the 4th Amendment, the government should not allow the breach of a person's privacy without reason. It is mentioned that while the 4th Amendment does protect citizens from unreasonable search and seizures, it does not protect ones that are considered reasonable by the law. The government should be able to prevent this from happening without the right evidence to back-up a warrant.

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

To protect ourselves from invasions of privacy, there are many things that people can do. Firstly, people can change their social media privacy settings to either private or friends only. While this one has to do with digital footprint, it is still useful. Secondly, if you notice that you are being tracked or spied on unreasonably, you can go file charges. However, a way to prevent this from happening is to advocate for change and to protect yourself online.

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