Friday, September 20, 2024

AI: Good or Bad? Or Both?

Many people call this decade "The Age of AI," however many people only point out the bad or the good. Very rarely do people ever address both sides. 

Having watched the first half of this documentary, I saw examples of both the good and the bad. Having already known information about both sides of the argument on if it is good or bad, being able to learn new information, especially about information that applies directly to me, was incredible. 

This video showcased and addressed the good when it mentioned how AI is helping to detect for breast cancer. Breast cancer is a very aggressive form of cancer and has caused many people and their families a lot of harm. Having a direct relation to this topic, I was more inclined to learn more about how it helps and how it can change the lives of people who were and will be affected. This video states that complete artificial intelligence can detect the cancer better than the human eye can. It mentions how the human eye can be prone to mistakes, whether it be by missing the cancer or thinking that something is cancer when it is not.

Something else that is pointed out is that the earlier cancer is spotted, the easier it is to be defeated. Knowing how aggressive different types of cancer can be, and learning how it can help detect breast cancer from this video leads me to think that it could be incredibly beneficial to detect and defeat other types of cancer within a range of ages. 

The bad side that is mentioned in the video is that the government is able to track humans. This topic is incredibly similar- if not the same- as the topic in my previous post about privacy. Government officials from both our country and others can take pictures of people's faces, cars, license plates, and personal houses to use in future situations if they need to know any information about you. Often times, this is without consent which means that it should not be allowed.

This can become a matter of national security because it shows that other country's governments can get information about us and use it against us. They can get pictures of us and our permanent addresses and use that to spy on us, or even use it in a data breach.

By AI being used to get photos and other information about people, this can lead to both identity theft and an invasion of people's online security. It can hack into people's social media profiles and impersonate them, and it can even find people's social security numbers and IP addresses and use them to participate in illegal activities.

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