Wednesday, August 28, 2024

My Top Five Sources of News and Information

CNN is a great source of daily news and it is really easy to find online. This news outlet can be found online as a website, on social media platforms such as Instagram and even TikTok. While this account does provide coverage on a lot of news, it's coverage can be found to be left-leaning.

Youtube is an amazing place to find news because it shows coverage by many news platforms and clip of event from various points of view. However, since this platform is one that people can easily post fake information and fake news, it can be challenging to find accurate information. 

Apple News is the source that I look at daily. This source provides a wide variety of news from a plethora of outlets; namely including The Washington Post and CNBC. This app also provides categories of news that you can choose from. Right now, "Election 2024" is a special coverage category.

Google News is one of the most neutral sources that I use. This platform provides daily updates from multiple other platforms and sources, similar to Apple News. This platform also shows Local News, "For You," and topics that align with your interests.

The last source would have to be my friends and family. On days where I am really busy and do not have time to check the news myself, I ask my friends and family what they either saw on the news or heard. However, this can have some downsides because I will be learning about the news from biased individuals.

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